Of Tarbiyyah and “Baju”

May 25, 2011 at 7:46 pm | Posted in Cetusan Pemikiran, Renungan, Sekolahku | Leave a comment
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“Who is better in speech than one who calls men to Allah, work righteousness, and says, ‘verily, I am of those who are Muslims.”

[Fussilat : 33]

Tarbiyyah. According to Understanding Islam subject that we learnt through our three semesters in DQ, the root word for it is (Rabba, Yurabbi, Tarbiyyah) which means to cultivate, to nurture, to teach, etc.. etc.. (Haha, i’m really miss my sweet memory of learning UI in the SMN Audi)

When talking about tarbiyyah, I really remembered the moments in DQ where I began to understand the concept of it.

As an alumni of SMIAAG, people especially seniors in DQ do expect “something” from me. Sadly, I was not as what they expected. The “too condusive” environment in my beloved secondary school make me take the tarbiyyah that I received there for granted. Huhu, until now, I am still regret about this.

In DQ, I learnt that why we should choose a “baju” for us to wear in order for us to serve Islam. In my personal opinion, we should not read the idea of amal jamaie and only associate it with well-known jemaah like PAS, IKRAM, ISMA, HALUAN, and so on and start to label others who does not give wala’ or intima’  to any of those jemaah as ‘tak buat amal jamaie, tak bekerja untuk Islam‘. For me, amal jamaie is really flexible. If we devote ourselves to the society and do something regarding our deen, it is also can be considered as amal jamaie. Don’t label others as Allah is the only one who can judge us. As a muslim, we should choose the best type of amal jamaie that suite ourselves and with it, we can serve Islam the best.

In DQ, I learnt that there are many types of baju with different fashions and colours. At first glance, you will see that each of it is different from others. Actually, if we analyze it deeper, then we can see that all jemaah has the same objective, but the ways to achieve the objective are different. Hence, due to the differences in it, we tend to feel too proud (izzah) with our baju (in other word is taksub) and we become fanatic of our own baju. This situation is unhealthy. We should implement the concept of sinergy and salamatus sodri  in this situation. In my own opinion, we should feel izzah towards our baju, but not taksub.

In DQ, I learnt that in order to choose the baju, we should choose the one that with it, we feel that we are closer to Allah. With it also, we can give the best for Islam. Choose the one that we think that the method of dakwah is based on Quran and Sunnah and is the closest to Sirah Nabawiyyah. Actually, it depends on how we view it. It’s our own ijtihad and our personal perception about truth. None of us can claim that their “baju” is the most true, most pure, etc..etc.. Later, Allah will choose who he wants to declare as the winner. The most important thing that we should do now is to try to strive our best for the ummah.

To all Akhawat DQ (diploma, sem 1, dan sem 3) good luck and try to strive harder in the future. If  ‘they’ can do it, why we can’t? I’m really sorry because I realized that we should do some changes a bit late. Actually, it was very very late. I really hope for the changes to happen. InsyaAllah, my prayers will always there for you.

To others, I really hope that whatever happen after this, we can still manage our ukhuwwah well. Whatever baju we wear, we are still working for the same purpose. We are still being the architect of Islam. If we start to feel taksub with our baju, then remember, in the principle of ukhuwwah, which ithar as the highest degree of it,  and salamatus sodri  as the lowest level, we should not become selfish to think that ours is the best. Respect each other. Act islamically and professionally in facing the differences among us. Wallahu A’alam.

p/s: This is only my personal opinion. It is up to you, wheather to accept it or not.

Sayonara Darul Quran

May 22, 2011 at 8:10 pm | Posted in Citra Kehidupan, Renungan, Sekolahku | 1 Comment
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20 Disember 2009

“Ya Allah, 18 bulan! Lamanya nak duduk Darul Quran ni… Tahan ke aku?”

“Ya Rabbi, ketatnya peraturan… Penjara ke apa? Outing sekali seminggu, minggu balik sekali sahaja sebulan..”

“Kalas Tasmi’ tiga jam. Maknanya mengaji tiga jam. Larat ke?”

“18 bulan=30 juz. Sehari=2 maqra’ tasmi’. Mampu ke? Iadah lagi…”

“Sahabat-sahabat aku bakal fly. Aku? Hemm…fly Kuala Kubu Baru lah jawabnya…”

Maka, bermulalah episod kehidupanku sebagai pelajar Darul Quran. Bermula dengan Minggu Haluan Siswa, Mafatihul Mahabbah, The Faith, LAFUNTA 2010 Interfame, MANTOP, The Glory, imtihan semester satu, Muhasabah sem, Ukhuwah Day, Forum When The Heart Whispers, Secret Admire, Nur Ramadhan, MITI, Hari Raya IQRaC,imtihan semester 2, LAFUNTA 2011, Tinta Daie, Interfame Gen 12, Futuwwah, MANTOP Gen 12, AGM, IIUM Voyage, sehinggalah Majlis Khatam dan The Prestige serta imtihan sem 3, daripada menjadi peserta sehinggalah menjadi KD program, sungguh, banyak input yang aku terima. Banyak tarbiah yang terselit di sebalik setiap satu yang telah Allah rencanakan buatku.

Dan setahun setengah yang awalnya kurasakan lama itu berlalu dengan begitu sekejap…

20 Mei 2011

Barang-barang keperluan hampir separuh sudah siap dikemas. Pagi itu kami berjalan-jalan di tasik Darul Quran. Menikmati pemandangan Darul Quran sambil mengenang nostalgia-nostalgia lalu.

“Sekejap je kan setahun setengah kat Darul Quran ni. Rasanya macam baru je semester 1, sekarang dah habis dah pun semester 3…”

“Haah… Sedih sangat. Anti, ana rasa sedih sangat nak tinggalkan DQ ni. Agak-agaknya nanti, bila kita dah besar, kat UIA ke, waktu dah berkeluarga dan berkerjaya ke, mesti kita akan kenang masa-masa kita di DQ ni kan? Ana takut sangat kalau satu hari nanti, kita akan kata kat diri kita, ‘Ya Allah, aku pernah hafal Quran ni. Tapi sekarang ni, tak ubah macam tilawah dah. Indah kan saat kita masyi Quran dulu…’ Nauzubillah, ana takut sangat Quran ni lari daripada ana. Ana takut sangat Allah lupakan hafazan Quran kita ini..”

“Tak apa, anti, Al-Quran itu milik Allah. Mujahadah dan mintalah padaNya. Mujahadah itu penting, Allah nilai pada mujahadah kita.

“Ana ingat pesan US Dasuki pada ana waktu pergi jumpa minta maaf tadi. Us Dasuki pesan sangat-sangat supaya jaga al-Quran. Us kata, kalau kita mula meninggalkan hafazan al-Quran, akhlak dan peribadi kita benda pertama yang akan terjejas.. Nauzubillah~”

“Nanti kat UIA mesti kita dah tak rasa keadaan macam ini kan?”

“Sedih… Manis sangat biah kat DQ ni kan? 24 jam dengan al-Quran. Air mata kita, gembira kita, ketakutan kita, mujahadah kita, tension kita, stay up kita, semuanya ada kaitan dengan al-Quran. Susah dah nak cari masa macam ni dengan al-Quran.”

“Kat UIA nanti, macam mana ye kita nak balance kan contract sebagai hamba dan khalifah Allah, contract untuk iadah al-Quran, dengan tuntutan-tuntutan akademik yang menggunung? Itu baru soal belajar, belum lagi saat-saat kita mula bekerja, berkeluarga…”

“Al-wajibaat aksaru minal auqat, Hasan al-Banna kata.”

Kami sama-sama terdiam. Besar tanggungjawab kami selepas ini – memelihara hafazan al-Quran dan dalam masa yang sama, menterjemahkan al-Quran itu ke dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan.

Merenung kembali kehidupan aku selama setahun setengah di DQ, aku rasa aku akan rindu banyak benda. Ukhuwah yang sangat indah, biah yang sangat solehah, susah untuk aku cari di tempat-tempat lain.

Ukhuwah – ada benarnya ungkapan “ukhuwwah ikatan al-Quran itu lain rasanya”.

Biah solehah – masjid yang hanya beberapa tapak dari asrama, solat jemaah, irama ngaji 24/7, tazkirah asar, kelas tafaquh dan tibyan, usrah, sahabiah-sahabiah yang sentiasa mengingatkan, dan pelbagai lagi yang sukar kucoretkan.

Syukran buat kamu-kamu semua yang sudi hadir dalam hidupku! Kepada yang berterbangan di udara selepas ini, jangan lupakan kami yang di UIAM ini. Kepada yang ke Nilai nanti, selalulah jenguk kami yang di PJ ni. Jangan lupa bawa cenderamata dari Nilai Square tau! Siiru ala Barakatillah.

Halaqah tasmi' kami

Tudung dan Bunga Rossette siapa lah ini? Cubalah teka...

Semoga kita semua kekal thabat dalam tarbiah di mana sahaja kita berada! Strive for the best in whatever we do. Daie mesti cemerlang! Be a balance person. Islam itu wasatiyyah.

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